
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What hours are you open?

    Center activity hours, 8:00am to 2:00pm. Office hours, 7:30am to 3:30pm.

  • What is your location?

    12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Suite 104, Kansas City, MO 64163

  • What are the eligibility requirements?

    60 and above, or 59 and disabled. (Call for more info)

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  • Is transportation available to the center?

    Yes, transportation is provided by Parking Company of America – KC to the center within our route area. Reservations must be made and cancelled 24 hours in advance. Call us for more information.

    Call Us
  • Is there a membership fee to participate in activities at the center?

    There are no membership fees but donations are gladly accepted.

  • What activities are offered at the senior center?

    We are an activity center designed to facilitate and promote the many interests of the ever increasing senior population. The center offers an opportunity for advocacy, creativity and friendship by engaging in music and art, exercise, games and continuing education.

  • What type of volunteer opportunities are available?

    We need delivery drivers for our Home Delivered Meals and our Commodity Supplemental Food Program boxes all over Platte County.  Please contact PSSI at 816-270-4100 for more information.

    Call Us
  • What if I need help with transportation to medical appointments, in-home care, home repairs, personal safety monitoring?

    Contact the Platte County Senior Fund at 816-270-2800.

    Call PCSF
  • What if I need help with paying my bills and/or for my medicine, can you help?

    PSSI does not provide financial assistance. We can provide referrals to organizations that can assist you.

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